Taino and Wapishana

On September 3, 2017 Higuayagua was asked to present at the Annual Guyanese festival which took place in Brooklyn. This year was significant in that the organizers invited Amerindians from their country to participate as well as Taino residing in New York. It was a bit of a short notice for us, but we did our best and had great results. 

The Wapishana people of Southern Guyana are Arawakan and share many linguistic and cultural traits with Taino.  This encounter was special in that it gave us an opportunity to share, learn, teach and just have fun with our relatives. 

Thank you, Claire Goring of the Guyanese Cultural Association of New York for inviting us and our brother the great Bobby Gonzalez who introduced us to Ms. Goring.


Photos by:

Yrene Rodriguez

Chris Abreu

Maritza Feliciano Porter

Jorge Estevez


We believe we made history this day because it was the first time Higuayagua Taino people danced with the Wapishana......it will not be the last!